Friday, March 21, 2008

Gotta get started somewhere

Welcome to the secret headquarters of Captain Gourmet. Who is the captain? By day, he's Lee Fox, a mild-mannered Software Engineer. Scratch that and forget about that mild-mannered jazz....he's just a Software Engineer working for a company I guarantee you've never heard of. However, when the work day closes out, it's time for our hero to don the guise of an amateur chef and total foodie. He then take to the streets in search of truth, justice, and the American way. Dammit. Wrong hero. Our hero takes to the nearest restaurant or available kitchen looking for entrees, wine, beer, and desserts....

So, like any great hero in today's society, our hero will need a place to express himself and keep you fair citizens up to date on his latest exploits. Thus, you're Captain Gourmet's blog. hehe

What are you going to find here? Well, basically all things that are food and drink related. Captain Gourmet brews wine and beer, so there'll be information about that. Our hero will often venture into the unknown and perilous voids of using new ingredients. Stay tuned right here..."Same Gourmet Time. Same Gourmet Channel"....and you'll see the Captain's recipes along with tips and tricks he's learned the hard way. Yes, our famed hero is absolutely a foodie, but alas true believer, it's doubtful that you'll find very many reviews of foods in restaurants here. Our Captain knows someone much more talented at doing that kind of stuff.

As you get to know our captain, you'll learn of his trusty side-kick, Kid Ketchup. You're not likely to determine him to be a hero's sidekick watching him enthusiastically play from within his preschool class, but bring on the French Fries, and Kid Ketchup will be there. You're apt to find many of his exploits documented here as well.